Second Grade

Training for Second Grade Teachers

Johnny Can Spell

Learn how to integrate instruction and practice in phonemic awareness, phonetics, penmanship, and spelling, supporting development of encoding and decoding skills.
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Johnny Can Write

Learn how to integrate sentence writing, vocabulary building activities, and grammar instruction.
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Sentences under Construction

Do not think about right or wrong; just play with sentences.  Zoom-in and zoom-out, creating long flowing sentences or very short skeleton sentences. Use puppets, sentence codes, and drama to understand the different kinds of sentences–
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How We Write

Learn how to use sentence writing in to teach anchor lessons about the writing process, the vocabulary of writers, and the skills for drafting, conferring, revising, and editing.
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More Training for Second Grade Teachers

Words at Work

Teachers appreciate the “make & take” part of this workshop that makes it possible to leave the training and immediately introduce three dynamic literacy centers: Word Webs, Poetry Words, and Breadcrumbing.
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Write with Color

Think out of the box. Using the five senses, think descriptively about common things and common places. Use these ideas to create a “color poem.”
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Instead of assigning word lists and testing word lists, teach students how to Think to Spell–a word analysis process that focuses on phonograms, syllables, morphemes, and rules of language.
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The Sounds and Symbols of English

Examine the basics of teaching systematic, explicit phonics with handwriting for a multi-sensory approach.
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Learn the basics to successfully teach students how to hold a pencil and how to form letters. Examine the habits of handwriting and ways to help students improve.
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Products for Second Grade Teachers

Johnny Can Spell Phonogram Card Set

A laminated, class-sized (5.5 x 8.5 inches) set of the 70 common phonograms. Front of card has large image of phonogram.
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Practicing the Phonograms with Alice Nine (Audio CD)

An audio CD designed to facilitate practice of the correct pronunciation of the isolated speech sounds associated with the 70 common phonograms.
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Johnny Can Spell Teacher’s Guide

A nongraded guide for the teaching of phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, and spelling in an integrated approach.
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Johnny Can Write Teacher’s Guide

A nongraded reference book for teaching word grammar (parts of speech), sentence grammar (sentence composition and fluency, sentence elements, punctuation), vocabulary (dictionary skills, word derivation, word relationships, multiple meanings).
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Johnny Can Spell/Write Lesson Planner, Book 2:1

Day by day guide for second grade teacher, 1st semester. Provides 75 lessons (Lessons 1-75) that integrate phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, sentence composition.
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Johnny Can Spell/Write Lesson Planner, Book 2:2

Day by day guide for second grade teacher, 2nd semester. Continues from Book 2:1. Provides 75 lessons (Lessons 76-150) that integrate phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and sentence composition.
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The ABC’s and All Their Tricks, Margaret Bishop

A highly recommended resource to assist in the phonetic analysis of words. The single best phonics reference book ever!
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Johnny Can Spell Objectives in Second Grade

The second grade student using Johnny Can Spell will learn…

  • Correct penmanship habits and proper use of tools
  • To form manuscript letters correctly
  • The names of letters
  • Capital and lower case correspondents
  • Alphabetical order
  • The common sounds of the common 70 phonograms
  • Common spelling rules
  • Rules of syllabication
  • Over 500 high frequency, easy words

The second grade student using Johnny Can Spell will be able to…

  • Match capital and lower case correspondents
  • Alphabetize spelling words to any letter
  • Write phonograms from isolated dictation
  • Give sounds for phonograms in isolation
  • Use phonograms to sound out new words in print, reading
  • Use phonograms to write new words, spelling
  • Count syllables in a word and sounds in a word or syllable
  • Blend sounds into words he/she recognizes
  • Analyze words by syllables and sounds in order to write them, spelling
  • Learn how to sound out words in print, reading
  • Write words from dictation
  • Spell grade appropriate words correctly
Johnny Can Write Objectives in Second Grade

The second grade student using Johnny Can Write will learn…

  • Common suffixes, e.g., -able, -ous, -ly, -ion, -ive
  • Common inflectional suffixes, -s and –es with nouns, -ed and –ing with verbs, -er and –est with adjectives
  • Common prepositions
  • The forms of common irregular verbs, e.g., go, going, went, gone
  • What is a subject and what is a predicate
  • How to begin and end a written sentence
  • How to add descriptive words to a sentence
  • How to use proof reader marks

The second grade student using Johnny Can Write will be able to…

  • Find words with ease in the dictionary
  • Find the meaning of a word, the part of speech, and irregular spellings in the dictionary
  • To identify and create rhyming and alliteration patterns
  • Identify common homophones, homographs, antonyms, and synonyms
  • Use words with multiple meanings
  • Identify the beginning and end of a sentence in print
  • Classify spelling words according to parts of speech
  • Form noun plurals and possessives
  • Capitalize proper nouns
  • Identify prepositional phrases in sentences
  • Write complete sentences
  • Classify sentences as declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory
  • Classify sentences as simple, compound, and complex
  • Use descriptive words and phrases to elaborate with adjectival elements
  • Use descriptive words and phrases to elaborate with adverbial elements
  • Diagram basic sentence elements