How We Write Docendo discimus: We learn by teaching. Schedule a week of hands-on staff development that takes place right in the classroom. This training model incorporates teacher only sessions and in the classroom sessions. Teachers learn not only by hearing and...
Handwriting Teach penmanship systematically, not casually... “Scrawls that cannot be read may be compared to talking that cannot be understood; and writing too difficult to decipher, to stammering speech.” (Introductory Remarks, Theory of Spencerian Penmanship, 1874)....
GRAM-Marvelous Grammar is the system and structure of language. In this two day workshop, Alice Nine shares an instructional approach that front-loads grammar with anchor lessons and charts, provides practice with simple learning routines, uses models from literature,...
Grammar Applications Grammar is the means, composition the end. --Angus In this two day workshop designed for the secondary teacher, Alice Nine shares an instructional approach that front-loads a complete grammar review in 24 lessons, using wall charts,...
Inspiration and illumination come from reading deeply. The quest for answers requires reading deeply and thinking critically. In this one day workshop, experience and examine the process of deep reading–probing, analyzing, synthesizing, looking for patterns,...