Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write

What is Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write?

Giving a Friday spelling test does not guarantee that students will become good spellers. Learning the letters of the alphabet does not mean that students will become good readers. Underlining nouns in sentences does not mean that students know what a noun is. Writing daily in journals does not automatically develop good writers.


so what does?… Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write!

Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write, an integrated and connected approach for teaching, learning, and using English, develops a knowledge and skill base for success in reading and writing.


General Overview

Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write integrate instruction and practice in phonemic awareness, phonetics, penmanship, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, and reading.

Although designed for kindergarten through fourth grade, this approach is modified easily for any grade or age, preschool through adult.

Johnny Can Spell & Write is structured by its systematic sequence of information and daily application and review strategies.

Instruction, application, and practice of language skills integrate easily with core curriculum subjects when using Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write.

Instruction moves from whole to parts to whole using both analysis and synthesis. Repetition, rehearsal, and review build for automaticity that is so necessary for success in reading and writing. Instructional strategies provide for multi-sensory and learning styles. Higher order thinking skills and problem solving strategies develop as students reason through possible options related to the English code.

Teacher instructional materials consist of nongraded, non-consumable teacher support materials: a teacher guides, lesson planners, phonogram flash cards, and audio CDs.

Student materials consist of notebook, paper, and pencils. It is recommended that students also have a dictionary and thesaurus. There are no consumables to purchase year after year and no worksheets to copy lesson after lesson.

Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic awareness, a critical first step in learning to read and write, is not the same as phonics. In fact, phonemic awareness, the awareness of individual sounds and sound groupings of a language, can be taught or practiced with one’s eyes closed. The kindergarten level of Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write offers many phonemic awareness activities. Phonemic awareness alone does not move a student into reading and writing. Instruction must move students into phonetics (phonics). The Johnny Can Spell & Write way provides a strong link between phonemic awareness and phonetics. Thus, even students with low phonemic awareness experience a high level of success.


Johnny Can Spell & Johnny Can Write provides daily practice of phonetics through independent and isolated practice of phonograms and through word analysis. Students are presented the entire phonetic code of English during the first twelve weeks of the school year (at a slower pace in kindergarten): 26 letters, 70 common phonograms, 44 sounds. The information is presented in frequency order so students are always learning the most common elements first.

Students learn to associate letters of the alphabet either singly or in multi-letter combinations with the 44 speech sounds. Practices provide opportunity to focus on the articulation and discrimination of these sounds. They learn how to use the phonograms to write the words they say and hear or to read the words they see in print.

The design of the direct instruction is both explicit and systematic. Instructional strategies incorporate multi-sensory practice, involve daily repetition, and provide for learning styles. Initial presentation and practice of the phonograms is strongly linked with penmanship instruction.


Johnny Can Spell & Write supports a renewed focus on the teaching and practice of penmanship. In our workshops, teachers are trained to teach handwriting addressing correct habits of posture as well as letter formation. They are shown how to teach students to slant the paper, hold the pencils, and sit while writing. They are shown very simple ways to teach letter formation. These techniques and strategies can easily be applied to any manuscript style. Thus, implementation of JCSpell/Write does not require a school to change its adopted manuscript style.

Platt Rogers Spencer, author of Spencerian Penmanship, 1874, wrote, “Writing is a secondary power of speech, and they who cannot write are in part dumb. Scrawls that cannot be read may be compared to talking that cannot be understood; and writing difficult to decipher, to stammering speech.”


Spelling words are selected from the Ayres List, a high-frequency word list. that begins with easy words and moves progressively to more difficult words. Teachers may customize the spelling list to include content vocabularies from literature, science, math, or social studies. A very valuable part of the Johnny Can Spell & Write daily lesson is a process called Think to Spell. Students apply the phonograms they are learning and practice good handwriting as they spell and read words.

Think to Spell, a unique word analysis strategy, supports syllabication, segmentation and identification of sounds, association of sound to symbol-sound, and application of spelling rules. During this process, students, engaged in the encoding process, write words from oral analysis. Teachers help direct student thinking so students will accurately identify syllables, phonograms, rules, and record correct spelling of the word.

The spelling words are coded to visually aid students as they Think to Spell. Then as students are engaged in the decoding process, they direct the teacher as he/she writes the word on the board. Students check their work against the board and practice standard pronunciation of the word. After this explicit introduction of a spelling word in both oral and written form, instruction moves into basic vocabulary activities.


Instruction in word meaning and usage flows naturally as students use spelling words in oral and written sentences. The spelling words become springboards to engage students in activities and discussions that expand vocabulary. When appropriate, homophones, antonyms, and synonyms for a given word are examined.

Spelling words are inflected, e.g., nouns are made plural, verbs receive -ing and -ed endings. The study of morphemes — roots and affixes — through word families and the use of a dictionary and thesaurus serve as a basis for vocabulary expansion. For example, word families are webbed around a root and multi-syllable words are dismantled to identify their morphemes and meanings.


Instructional strategies address multi-sensory and learning styles as students act out parts of speech, rules of grammar, and functions of sentence elements. Parsing, an old strategy with a new twist, provides for quick and easy grammar reviews. Diagramming is used as a visual map during sentence analysis and composition. A question guide enables students to effectively elaborate sentences through the appropriate use of modifiers and through structural changes in the sentence.


Does Johnny Can Spell & Write align with reading research? The answer is yes. Consider the key elements of effective reading instruction as identified by reading research.

Teach phonemic awareness directly at an early age
Research shows that the “lack of phonemic awareness seems to be a major obstacle to reading acquisition. Children who are not phonemically aware are not able to segment words and syllables into phonemes. . . . Foorman et al. found that the greatest gains occurred when the explicit instruction moved into teaching the sound-spelling relationships concurrently with the instruction in phonemic awareness.

With Johnny Can Spell / Write, students are daily engaged in phonemic awareness tasks as they learn and use sound-spelling correspondences.

Teach children how to sound out words
Research quite clearly shows that overemphasizing prediction from context for word recognition can be counterproductive, possibly delaying reading acquisition. . . . Recent eye movement research indicates that good readers do not sample the text and predict to recognize words efficiently, but rather see every single letter on the page. . . . [T]eaching children to use context and prediction as strategies for word recognition resulted in greater numbers of reading disabilities than instruction that taught children to use their sound-spelling knowledge as the primary strategy for word recognition.

With Johnny Can Spell / Write, students are taught how to sound out words — for both reading and spelling. Think to Spell, the word analysis process used in Johnny Can Spell, uses both encoding and decoding processes to write a word.

Teach decoding skills and comprehension skills separately
[The] mixture of decoding and comprehension instruction in the same instructional activity is clearly less effective, even when the decoding instruction is fairly structured. The inferiority of instructional activities with mixed goals (embedded phonics) has been demonstrated in several studies.

With Johnny Can Spell, spelling and vocabulary studies are used to develop decoding skills. Teachers are free to use interesting, authentic literature to develop comprehension.

Teach comprehension with interesting stories read by the teacher until reading is fluent
During early stages of reading, beginning readers benefit from stories that the teacher reads to them. Reading to children plays an important role in building their oral language comprehension, which ultimately affects their reading comprehension. Such story activities should be structured to build comprehension skills rather than decoding skills.

With Johnny Can Spell / Write, decoding skills are taught and practiced with isolated words during spelling and vocabulary studies. Teachers are free to use interesting, authentic literature to develop comprehension.

What Our Customers Say

The Johnny Can Spell approach to spelling, reading, and writing is producing the kinds of gains in student learning that make teaching a joyful experience. In just a few short months since our school began the program in September, I have seen children increase their attentiveness and their ability to visually discriminate. The latter skill is demonstrated by improved punctuation and language control in their writing.

I am especially excited about the improved word attack skills the children have developed. Our school is economically and ethnically diverse. . . . The phonological approach of Johnny Can Spell creates a more level playing field for all children. Regardless of background, each child is taught a method that allows them to read more fluently.

Anna H.


My husband and I are very impressed with all our son is learning so early in 1st grade! He often verbalizes about rules he’s learned about our English language. It all comes out very natural! I can’t believe all the words he is spelling, and all the phonograms he knows. I am excited that it makes so much sense to him. Thank you for being courageous to try something different!! It’s fresh and fun and clear, and it’s working. Our son is excited and enthusiastic about spelling, and we are too!

David and Isabel N.


I was a weekly volunteer in my daughter’s first grade class all last year. In the spring, her teacher began using the Johnny Can Spell reading, writing, spelling program. I was able to observe an amazing response in the children. The results were not just improved spelling–but, improved reading, writing, and attitudes. The excitement and involvement of each child as they participated was wonderful. I was and continue to be deeply thankful for [our teacher’s] willingness and hard work in doing this program, especially so late in the school year. In doing so, she greatly affected each child’s academic achievement in a positive way.

Sherry L.

Parent Volunteer

As a classroom teacher of 29 years, I feel as if my classroom has a whole new atmosphere this year. Thanks to the workshop Johnny Can Spell , I feel as if I have finally found a way to teach all my students to be better spellers, readers, and writers. It pleases me to see how they transfer their knowledge into their other subjects.

The Johnny Can Write workshop has enabled me to better help students with their composition. I can see their self-confidence increasing greatly. I also have a greater self-confidence as I feel l have a better insight into what I am teaching. Without a doubt the two workshops helped me to restructure my classroom into a very positive situation.

Barbara T.


As a first grade teacher with 15 years of experience, I was so excited to learn about the Johnny Can Spell program. Phonics is such an important tool in learning to spell, write, and read, and I was dissatisfied with the traditional workbooks. Last year I attended the Johnny Can Spell workshop and used the program with my children for the final three months of the school year. Those students loved the new program and made tremendous gains in spelling along with reading and writing. Parents came to me saying how well their child could decode words. They couldn’t believe the progress their child was making.

This year I started Johnny Can Spell on the first day of school. The results have been amazing!! Each month I test their spelling grade level and see improvement made by all of my students!! My students love learning new words and ask for more than the standard six per day. I have also noticed increased basic skills scores in reading. My children are getting tools to help them to develop into life-long learners!! I am proud to be teaching a method that has such a profound effect on the student’s overall academic success!

Cynthia H.

First Grade Teacher

I am so excited about Johnny Can Spell !! The successful results I am seeing this year with my first grade students have absolutely overwhelmed me! It has truly revolutionized my classroom . . . not just our spelling time, but the entire day! My students are showing a zest for learning that I didn’t know was possible. Their individual confidence level is high because they know they really are working hard, learning a lot, and doing good work. I strongly encourage the adoption of Johnny Can Spell in the elementary classroom.

Kim A.

First Grade Teacher

All my students are able to hear English sounds which they were not able to hear in the past. When tested on phonics skills in unit tests, they are able to differentiate sounds and pass the test. Before using [Johnny Can Spell], the children would have failed the phonics section of the test. . . . Since we make sentences with every word, I no longer have to make up sentences to illustrate the words. The children want to make the sentences. They used to dread making oral or written sentences; now, they write sentences in their free time.

My fifth grade students have gone from never passing a spelling test in the regular classroom to making A’s most of the time. My third graders are no longer silent in their regular classroom; they gladly participate in class discussions.

Using [Johnny Can Spell] has given my bilingual students a system to decipher and decode words that they could never have done before. It has helped strengthen their vocabulary and use of words in the English language. One of my first graders said, “I’m smart now!

Viola H.

Fifth Grade Teacher

The use of the Johnny Can Spell phonics program is to be congratulated. As a parent, it gives me great pleasure to see the progress of our daughter, a six-year-old. It has renewed my enthusiasm for the educational process, especially in light of the large number of students who reach the upper grades without the ability to read effectively. Our first grade daughter has made phenomenal progress in just ten weeks of school. This past summer we were reading books to her — now she is reading the same books to us! My thanks to those who are reviving a proven and effective method of teaching the gateway to knowledge — reading.

Mike T.
