Johnny Can Spell Word Study


Johnny Can Spell Word Study — Digital Course. COURSE DATES–On-Demand, 24/7; Access for 180 days. COMPLETION CERTIFICATE. DESCRIPTION–Word Study that integrates phonemic awareness, phonics, handwriting, spelling, and grammar. Follow the link below to “this products webpage” for brochure and registration form. During this professional development, you will 1) Learn the 70 phonograms and their rules, 2) Chunk several dozen words by phonograms, syllables, and morphemes, 3) Create a JCS Word Study Notebook — Teacher’s Edition, 4) Learn how to teach systematic, explicit phonics without a workbook or worksheets, 5) Learn how to teach students how to sound out words for both reading and writing (spelling), 6) Learn how to use your Word Study time to effectively teach foundational skills of reading, 7) Learn research-based instructional routines that work in a whole class setting with differentiation, 8) Review reading research, 9) Review brain research to align pedagogy. Duration of course: 6 months. Sessions: 16. Appendices: 7. Certificate of Completion for 24 clock hours.